
3D perception, especially point cloud classification and part segmentation, has achieved substantial progress. However, in real-world deployment, point cloud corruptions are inevitable due to the scene complexity, sensor inaccuracy, and processing imprecision. In this work, we contribute ModelNet-C and ShapeNet-C, aiming at rigorously benchmarking and analyzing point cloud robustness under various real-world corruptions.


2022.11 - The preprint of the PointCloud-C paper is available here.
2022.11 - We have successfully hosted the 1st PointCloud-C challenge! Winners: 🥇 Antins_cv, 🥈 DGPC & DGPS, and 🥉 BIT_gdxy_xtf.
2022.07 - Competition starts! Join now at our CodaLab page.
2022.06 - We release the benchmarking toolkit on GitHub. 🐈
2022.06 - PointCloud-C is now live on Paper-with-Code. Join the benchmark today!
2022.06 - The 1st PointCloud-C challenge will be hosted in conjecture with the ECCV'22 SenseHuman workshop. 🚀
2022.06 - We are organizing the 1st PointCloud-C challenge! Click here to explore the competition details.
2022.05 - ModelNet-C is accepted to ICML 2022. Code is available on GitHub. See here for more details. 🎉

Basic Statistics

Scale & Features

  • The very first test-suite for point cloud robustness analysis under corruptions.
  • Two sets: ModelNet-C for point cloud classification and ShapeNet-C for part segmentation.
  • Real-world corruption sources, ranging from object-, senor-, and processing-levels.
  • Seven types of corruptions, each with five severity levels.


We unify the corruption taxonomy into seven fundamental atomic corruptions: “Add Global”, “Add Local”, “Drop Global”, “Drop Local”, “Rotate”, “Scale” and “Jitter”. Consequently, each real-world corruption is broken down into a combination of the atomic corruptions. In addition, we set five severity levels for each corruption, based on which we randomly sample from the atomic operations to form a composite corruption test set. The detailed description and implementation can be found in our papers.


Based on our test suite, we benchmark more than 20 state-of-the-art methods for point cloud classification and part segmentation, including architecture design, augmentations, and self-supervised pretrains.

Corruption Taxonomy

We break down common corruptions into detailed corruption sources on object-, senor-, and processing-levels, which are further simplified into a combination of seven atomic corruptions for a more controllable empirical analysis. More details are available here.

Corruption Studies

Method Jitter Drop Global Drop Local Add Global Add Local Scale Rotate
PointNet (Qi et al., 2017)
ECC (Simonovsky & Komodakis, 2017)
PointNet++ (Qi et al., 2017)
DGCNN (Wang et al., 2019)
RSCNN (Liu et al., 2019)
PointASNL (Yan et al., 2020)
Orderly Disorder (Ghahremani et al., 2020)
PointAugment (Li et al., 2020)
PointMixup (Chen et al., 2020)
PAConv (Xu et al., 2021)
OcCo (Wang et al., 2021)
Triangle-Net (Xiao & Wachs, 2021)
CurveNet (Xiang et al., 2021)
RSMix (Lee et al., 2021)
PointWOLF (Kim et al., 2021)
GDANet (Xu et al., 2021)
Our Benchmark


If you find our work useful for your research, please consider citing the following papers:

  title={Benchmarking and Analyzing Point Cloud Robustness under Corruptions},
  author={Jiawei Ren and Lingdong Kong and Liang Pan and Ziwei Liu},
  title={Benchmarking and Analyzing Point Cloud Classification under Corruptions},
  author={Jiawei Ren and Liang Pan and Ziwei Liu},
  journal={International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)},


Any feedback is very welcome! Please contact us at jiawei011@e.ntu.edu.sg and lingdong001@e.ntu.edu.sg.


Jiawei Ren

S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University

Lingdong Kong

S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University

Liang Pan

S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University

Ziwei Liu

S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University